
Glorifying God is our greatest goal in life and we do that both personally and publicly.   On Sundays, we value both traditional hymns and newer expressions of contemporary praise music.  Music on Sundays is led by our worship team.  We meet for practice on Wednesdays from  6:45 p.m.–8 p.m.  Vocal singers and instrumentalists are welcome to join us!



Prayer creates personal connection with God.  We desire to build a culture of prayer and seeking God at Mount Olivet.  Our prayer team meets on Wednesdays from 6 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. to pray for the week’s prayer requests shared on Sunday.  We know God hears our prayers and wants to answer our prayers by giving grace through trials and also to do extraordinary things in people’s lives.


Following the Sunday worship service, prayer team members are available in the back of the sanctuary to pray for any need.


Prayer requests can also be emailed to the church or by leaving a message on the church phone.  They will be shared with the prayer team.  Contact us at or at (513) 988-0422.  For urgent needs call the pastor at (513) 839-0546.



Sunday School

Do you want to grow in your faith by studying the Bible with a group of others who also want to develop as followers of Christ?  Come join us on Sundays before our worship service.  We meet at 9:15 a.m., have a lot of fun, and grow together.  


Small groups

Small groups are an opportunity to share life together as we grow in the Bible, develop Christian community with others, and pray for one another.  We have two small groups.  First is an in-person small group that meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.  The second opportunity is on Thursdays at 10 a.m. online over Zoom (contact the church for a Zoom link);  Come be a part of one of our small groups!


Children and Youth

Children's Church is during the Sunday worship service during the second half of the service during the prayer and sermon time.  A nursery is available for younger chuildren during that time, as well.



Sunday Fellowship Meal

Sunday fellowship lunches are held on the first Sunday of the month following the church worship service.  The meal is a pitch-in.  If you are visiting don’t worry about bringing anything – we’d just love to have you join.  It’s a time to get to know new people and to be with old friends.


Men’s Group

Here’s an opportunity to be encouraged through fellowship with other men.  We meet every other Saturday from 8 a.m. – 9:15  a.m. for breakfast and a devotional.  We meet at Bob Evans restaurant located at  3524 Indian Meadows Dr. off of Rt. 4 about 10 minutes from the church.  Come join us and meet some men from Mount Olivet and grow in your faith over a great breakfast!  Afterwards, from 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon, we sometimes do church projects.


Food Pantry

We house the community food pantry which provides food to residents of the Edgewood School District.  Please call (513) 988-9348 to leave your information and someone will get back with you.  Jesus had a heart for those in need and we desire to demonstrate the compassion and love of our Lord.


Edgewood Ministerial Association

Other local mission happens through the Edgewood Ministerial Association (EMA) – a cooperative ministry of local churches in Trenton.  Learn more about the ministry programs of the EMA at their website at